All are welcome to come and learn more about the International Order of King's Daughters and Sons and hear Beth Rudy, spiritual leader bring the Bible to life.
Please confirm by e-mail if you plan on attending the convention and lunch or if you have any other questions. Reservations need to be in by April 9, 2015
Priceless Pearls
Zechariah 9: 16b-17a
"You will sparkle like jewels in his land, like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!"
A Fortune 100 account executive, Distinguished Toastmaster and Precept Ministries Leader, who brings the Bible to life. She spurs her audiences to go deeper into God's precepts, promises, and purposes. Beth has responded to God with love letters from her heart by creating a daily letter called Prayer Pal which is published via email and internet as a witness of God's love and faithfulness. You are invited to learn more about Beth at