If you would like to join a viable, hardworking group of Christian men and women throughout the world, please use the contact information below.
International dues are Seniors $25.00 and Juniors $2.00 paid annually. Membership includes a subscription to the quarterly magazine, The Silver Cross.
Visit the Internation Order of King's Daughters and Sons Membership Website
International Order of The King’s Daughters and Sons
P.O. Box 1017
Chautauqua, New York USA 14722
Telephone: 716-357-4951
Email: headquarters@iokds.org
Pennsylvania dues are Seniors $6.50 and Juniors $2.00 paid annually. Membership includes a subscription to the quarterly magazine, The Silver Cross.
Pennsylvania Branch
International Order of The King’s Daughters and Sons
P.O Box 677
535 Wood Street
Bethlehem, PA 18016
Email: kingsdaughterspa@gmail.com